Sunday, February 21, 2010

Gator Board Foam - Stretch Watercolor Paper without Tools

If you have a household stapler or some push pins then you have the required items to stretch watercolor paper properly with gator board foam. All that is required is to adequately wet the paper and allow it to soak for about 5 minutes. This allows the paper to expand without removing the sizing from the fibers. Once the paper has soaked just drain off the excess water and place it on the gator board. Staple down one side of the paper and then pull the opposite side gently and staple it to the board. Then turn the board and staple another side completely down. Turn the board one last time and gently pull the unstapled side tight and staple.

This allows the watercolor paper to be pulled gently tight. As the paper dries the moisture leaves the paper and it will tighten. The gator board foam then acts as a stable force in keeping the paper tight. Gator board foam is a great way to stretch watercolor paper.

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