Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Tips for Using Gatorboard to Stretch Watercolor Paper

The following are some quick tips on how to properly use gatorboard for stretching watercolor paper:

1. Sketch out your final drawing on dry paper.
2. Soak the watercolor paper with clean water. You can use a 2" wash brush, a clean sponge, or you can soak it in your tub.
3. When paper is thoroughly soaked, lay it on the Gatorboard. If any bubbles or buckles appear, simply lift on the side of the paper to the buckle. Now, slowly lay the paper back down on the Gatorboard while applying gentle pressure with your wet brush to remove the buckle.
4. Once it is completely flat, lay paper towels over the entire surface to remove the excess water. The paper should be damp to the touch, but no glisten to it.
5. Now is the time to put down your washes.
6. Use a household stapler and staple the four sides of he paper to the gatorboard.
7. Allow the paper to dry or use a blow dryer to speed up the process.
8. You can use a letter opener or a dull kitchen knife to pop out the staples once the painting is completed.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

5 reasons to use Gator Board Foam for Stretching Watercolor Paper

Gator board foam has many advantages over using solid wood as a material to stretch watercolor paper. The following is a list of the advantages of using gatorfoam board for stretching watercolor paper:

1. No tools required other than a normal office stapler.
2. Allows the use of inexpensive 140 lb paper instead of 300 lb paper.
3. Creates a white border to use for color reference.
4. Very light weight compared to wood
5. Non-absorbent material.

Keeping these 5 items in mind it becomes clear that gatorboard is the best option on the market for stretching watercolor paper. Check out the artists pack which includes 3 sizes so you can have multiple works going at the same time.

Friday, January 22, 2010

How to Cut Gator Foam - Saw Required

Many fellow watercolor artists often ask me how to properly cut gator foam board to custom fit their painting requirements. Gator foam board actually has a very thin layer of wood veneer on both sides of the foam. In order to properly and cleanly cut gator foam board I have found that using a panel saw or a table saw is required.

If you are looking to use gator foam board for stretching watercolor paper then I recommend that you purchase the Artists Pack that I sell. It is composed of the three sizes of watercolor paper that mos often are used by artists: Full Sheet, Half Sheet and Quarter Sheet.

You will get a ton of use out of the Gator Foam Board Artists Pack.

Gatorfoam Board for Stretching Watercolor Paper - Watercolor Paper Stretching Secret

The true beauty and secret to the popularity of using is found in the actual structure of the gatorfoam board. Gatorfoam has been recognized as the industry's leading heavy-duty foam board for more than 30 years.

The board is comprised of extruded polystyrene foam bonded between two layers of wood-fiber veneer. The wood fiber veneer is thin enough that it allows the weight of the board to be unbelievably light yet strong enough to be used for stretching 140 lb watercolor paper.

I am an avid watercolor artist who uses gatorfoam board to stretch all of my watercolor paper. I tend to work in heavy and wet washed and hate when the paper buckles. You can see my artworks created using gatorfoam board at

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Gator Board Foam - Anyone Can Stretch Watercolor Paper

I have used many of the commercial stretchers on the market and find that most of them are quite difficult to use. Many involve the use of a hammer, a screwdriver or a special wrench.

I can tell you now that using gator board foam is the simplest way to stretch watercolor paper. Stretching watercolor paper should not be a task that may or may not work. The use of Gator Board Foam is the sure way to have perfectly stretched paper every time.

In order to tack the paper to the gator foam board you must have one key item. A household stapler. That is the only tool required.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Gator Board Foam now offered for sale by Watercolor Artist - Custom Cut for Watercolor Paper

I have spent tons of money and time researching the best way to stretch watercolor paper. I started painting and drawing as a very young child and always loved the way that watercolors interacted with each other and the paper. I think the fluidity and the transparency of the medium allow for amazing results.

One result that I could not stand was buckled watercolor paper. I would be half way through a work and realize that the paper was shifting and not settling flat. I had to find a way to keep my watercolor paper flat. That was when I discovered Gator Board Foam.

The next problem was that no one carried the 1/2" gator foam board that is perfect for stretching watercolor paper. It was then that I decided to start stocking and distributing custom sized Gator Board Foam cut to standard water color paper sizes.

Please take some time to check out the products available and my latest art works at: